Our clinic is located downstairs next to the Cafeteria and Singing Room 2 (voice room). Please ask for directions at Reception if you can’t find us! Please knock if the door is closed as another session might be going on.
For online appointments & livestream classes, we'll be using Zoom. You will receive a link prior to the session - just click the link to join (you will need to download the app on your tablet/phone ahead of time if not using a computer).
** Signing up for online appointments & livestream classes you agree that you are healthy and able to perform strenuous exercises, and therefore release IAB Health & IAB from liability. Please leave out anything that doesn't serve you during class. **
Please contact for any questions
Choose a package below if you want to commit to a few sessions and save! This ensures you stay engaged with the program and builds accountability to your health.
1 Assessment to discuss your history, eating habits and goals (1h)
4 Follow up sessions (30min each)